(You are scheduled to kneel-down to His TRUE Name [either in admiration or in shame]!) Philip. 2:10 KJV
(No wonder "G-d Almighty" is sorry He ever made you, if you don't even want His Name.) Gen.6:6 ; Rom.1:28 KJV
So . . . . "The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him." Ps.37:32 KJV
So . . . . "The righteous watcheth the wicked and seeketh to save him." HEROYAHU
Hear the word of YaHUaH, ye that tremble at his word;
Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake,
said, "Let THE LORD be glorified" :
but He shall appear to your joy,
and they shall be ashamed.
"When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: " Jn.16:13
"Also the sons of the stranger,
that join themselves to YaHUaH,
to serve him, and to love the name of YaHUaH, to be his servants,
every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it,
and taketh hold of my covenant; . . . . ." Isaiah 56:6
----who cares ?
Scriptures indicate your probability of disinterest,
but seekers like Acts 15:17-21 are grateful.
John 17:11,12a
Scripture teaches: we profit one way if you desire this, and if not, we profit a different way !
We bring you the true names of Elohim Almighty and of His Son, (and of your predator).
If you do not desire it, it becomes a warning ; if you do, it is wonderful scriptural truth.
"My Holy Name" is like "food" for His sheep, Jn.21:17. But it's not endearing to a goat.
There has never been a sensible Scriptural Disproof of "YaHUaH" from any challenger !
Our "Theologians" who consented to critique this for errors, finally just “gave-up" !!! :-))
If you disagree with this, the burden of proof shifts to YOU, to prove His true name.
"There is . . now no condemnation to them which are in . .YaHUShuA . ." Rom.8:1
But a stubborn preference for a meaningless alias, has consequences. Matt.25:28
This is not to pursuade your mind but to help the Holy Spirit appeal to your spirit.
Martin Luther saw & declared the Bible Way of Salvation and started a revolution.
We here see & declare the - True Names of Elohim - and also start a revolution.
"My Holy Name" is such great Truth that unrepentance about it is great offense.
Visitors, students, commenters indicate these teachings of His Name are true.
Feel free to discern whether this is "an accuser of the brethren" or Titus 2:15
Be careful. Slander sows discord and makes you an abomination !! Pr.6:19
Our offset format is to help "this hidden truth" be easier to Read & Discern.
Truth here is especially for you visitors who inherited lies !! Jer.16:19 - 21
Evidently, we are chosen, to restore and declare YaH's Name. Matt.20:16
His Word is a "hammer" Jer.23:29 ! He "hammers" His Name 7000 times.
Working as our "Brother's Keeper" , - yes we do "hammer" for His Name.
Worldwide-avoidance leaves only a few of us to "bravely" declare "YaH" !
We would rather be discussing affections than these warnings. Promise.
We tell you more "for free" than the plagiarists of us tell you for $$$ !
But be smart ! Copy & keep this before we cannot afford to publish.
You LukeWarm are no match for spirit-filled defenders of His Name ,
in either desire-for-truth or brotherly-love ! We exult in His Truth.
Opinionated bullies abound, yet possess less proof than "YaH" !
[As Messiah's Ambassadors (2Cor.5:20) we hereby convey
His "hot displeasure" that His Name is diminished.]
So pursue all this truth with "hunger & thirst",
(not with some mere reluctant agreement)
and with real brotherly love and obedience.
||Ex.12:2|||||1 John 4:1|||||Ex.3:15||
Perverted Scriptures and their Hirelings, will hurt you.
YaHUaH asserts His Name like a decisive test for Hirelings !
"Here we stand. We can do no other. Elohim help us ! Amen."
Unrepentant goats decline His Name as fast as He can offer it. Acts 4:17
Scripture does say to get their blood off our hands, -by warnings. Ez.3:18,19
Because Elohim requires "Spirit & Truth"!, we bring you priceless "Spirit & Truth".
Rebels avoid Scripture like Hirelings avoid 1Kgs.19:11 (which declares His Name five times)
"-but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever-" Deu.29:29b
F.Y.I. :
New Testament Imperatives
i.e. Brit Chadasha Imperatives
i.e. John 1:12b !
Eventually, this will list Scriptures now being compiled from the "New Testament"(Brit HaDasha).
His Name has been diminished by N.T. users. Our list is working to correct that. 2Tim.3:16
If Scripture requires His Name as a component of Salvation, it is Matt.23:23 & Jn. 3:18 !!
"These signs shall follow them that believe . . . . . . . ." - Mark 16:17,18 REJOICE !!!
Faith worketh by love (Gal.5:6) and love is supplemented by His Name (John 17:26).
Do you have it ?
"The JOY of YaHUaH is your strength" Ez.24:25d
(but leaders B.C & A.D. deprived you).
Shame be on Authorities who diminish His Holy Name,
yet they repeatedly assert their own name. Jn.3:30
Twelve times or more,
YaHUaH said, "My Holy Name".
In Ex.34:6 He declared His own Name with Joy & Exuberance !!
(Yet you or a billion others "couldn't care less" !)
One great brother in Cisco, Texas found about two dozen instructions
in Scripture that tell how to regard His Name.
About a dozen different verbs.
About a dozen different adjectives.
But who cares ?
"I, even I, am YaHUaH; beside me there is no Savior."(Rescuer) Is. 43:11
Question: Is the Plan of Salvation complete without Elohim's Name ?
Sneerers sneer, yet, YaHUShuA spoke John 3:18 and He ought to know.
Care-less sheep are fresh meat to a sly wolf or "Doctrine of Devils".
Care-less sheep are urged to "prove all things". 1 Thess. 5:21
Disobedient Religious Authorities
even take HIS Name out of HIS Scriptures,
then smugly expect their own name to
remain untouchable in HIS Book of Life !
S U R P R I S E ! Gen. 6:3 ; Prov. 29:1
Ex.32:33; Ps.69:26,27,28; Rev.3:5b; Rev.1:1
Disobedient Religious Authorities
is an odd term but it is easy to prove.
Scientific "proof" requires evidence that is
observable and verifiable and repeatable.
Well, here is your proof for that term.
Disobedient Religious Authorities
would rather have His sheep of His flock
to be dumb, unprotected, and more susceptible
to devil possession than to teach "My Holy Name".
But we preach "My Holy Name"
and we infer that Rev.3:11 plans to
transfer crowns
from the less-obedient to the more-obedient.
They could have told you what I am left to tell you.
During Water Baptism and other occasions they say,
"In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Worldwide, millions and millions of times they have said that.
So I would ask them, "What is that Name (singular, not plural) ? "
FYI, there is such a Name and some Seminary-Judas should have told you !
It is "Yah" !, as in Hallelu-YAH, and means "The Self-Existent One".
Their problem is that if they exalted His Name
they would have to share their pulpit with Him.
Pulpit rascals did begin using it to be trendy,
but don't admit to any shame or guilt.
Disobedient Religious Authorities
is an odd term but it is easy to prove.
Scientific "proof" requires evidence that is
observable and verifiable and repeatable.
Well, here is some proof for that term.
Disobedient Religious Authorities
provably prefer to have a president who is
pro-abortion, pro-homo, against Defense of Marriage,
Koran-observant, Shariah-advocate, Allah-worshipping
more than obey 2Chr.7:14, and be called YaHUDIM !
[[ The sly do slip by, unnoticed ! ]]
Malachi 2:2,3 ; Acts 4:12 ; 2 Cor.2:10,11,12 ; Matt. 23:39
"Give unto YaHUaH the glory due unto His Name; . . . ." Ps. 29:2
"O magnify YaHUaH with me, and let us exalt His Name together !" Ps.34:3
YaH's Name & Title & Pronoun are all different, but some co-exist in about 100 verses !
INFALLIBLE CLAIM: a heart-to-heart rapport with Abba will care about His Name, YaHUaH !
INFALLIBLE BOAST: He plans to get every rebel's attention,whatever it takes. Ps.44:8, Rom.14:11
INFALLIBLE WARNING: you're a rebel to Luke 10:27 & Deu.6:5 & 11:1 & Rom.9:17, if you won't do it.
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: Bible bastards, Heb.12:8, would impose "INEFFABLE" contrary to Ex.9:16 & Rom.9:17
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: The masses deprived of His Name cannot glorify & exalt it until it is restored & declared !
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: "Jesus's" & "Joshua's" names are spelled alike and originate in Num.13:16 & Deu.3:21
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: To "hunger & thirst after righteousness" includes a desire for the Ten Commandments.
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: School kids can exert more insight in these matters, - than well-paid, fool, menpleasers.
INFALLIBLE TRUTH: You who desire & declare & defend His Name, are under the influence of the Holy Spirit !
Looking back, it is a grief to see how we poured out love & gifts
to certain Religious Authorities for years
but when we finally learned YaHUaH's Name and told them,
their friendliness changed to 'virtually estranged',
and we lost those "investments" in them.
That loss & grief did explain & confirm Matt.7:6a !
Woe unto you who obstructed the intent of John 17:26 & Mark 16:17b.
For Comments, Questions and e-book copies >>>> EMAIL: PREACHER@MyHolyName.com
NOTE: This website is also aka: www.MyHolyName.com
For Comments, Questions and e-book copies >>>> EMAIL: PREACHER@MyHolyName.com
NOTE: This website is also aka: www.MyHolyName.com