(You are scheduled to kneel-down to His   TRUE   Name  [either in admiration or in shame]!)  Philip. 2:10 KJV 
(No wonder "G-d Almighty" is sorry He ever made you, if you don't even want His Name.) Gen.6:6 ; Rom.1:28 KJV  
So . . . . "The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him."   Ps.37:32 KJV 
So . . . . "The righteous watcheth the wicked and seeketh to save him."  HEROYAHU


    W    E    B    S    I    T    E         T    O    P    I    C    S    

What is the Name of your God ???   -duh . . . . . .   Really ???
(The silly & hateful call Him  duh  or don't have a god , or won't care.)                 
You are required to care.    Do you ??   -duh . . . . . . .  Jn.8:29

The avoidance of YaHUShuA's Name in Matt.18:20 by Disobedient Religious Authorities,
The avoidance of YaHUShuA's Name in Mark 16:17b by Disobedient Religious Authorities,
The avoidance of YaHUaH's Name in 2Chron.7:14  by Disobedient Religious Authorities,
violations of Scripture and have  INFLICTED  a serious injury in YaHUShUA's congregation. Mk. 7:7

We apologize in advance for remarks that lack sufficient context for you.
We are having to consider countless violations occurring over many years.

 "Let us Reason Together"
      ABOUT HIS NAME     Isaiah 1:18a

  1. BARUCH HABA BESHEM YaHUaH !  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ps.118:26 ; Matt.23:39
  2. BARUCH         HABA             BESHEM      YaHUaH ! . . . . . . Ps.118:26 ; Matt.23:39
  3. Blessed is he who cometh in the Name of  YaHUaH ! . . . . . . Ps.118:26 ; Matt.23:39
  4. BARUCH HABA BESHEM ADONAI: sly, UN-scriptural substitute !!  Jer.23:26 ; Is.65:2 ; Jer.9:14 ; Matt.23:39
  5. Both, out-at-big-crowds & here-on-the-web, YaH's Love & Warnings are to be to conveyed IN the Spirit of Love.
  6. And it hurts our heart if sweet friends feel bruised !   Yet understanding this truth should be "love at first sight" !
  7. A righteous heart, seeking truth, won't need all the persuasion here, nor have unloving reactions. Jer.23:27
  8. Study with us about YaHUaH's delights.     (Detractors study me, -like I'm more important !!!  Ps.118:17,18)
  9. Contrary detractors don’t dare dispute us "in writing" then be shamed by His Word & His Spirit !   Heb.4:12  
  10. Our detractors show less Scripture & Love to Glorify & Exalt & Magnify His Name !  Ps.29:2 ; 34:3 ; Ac.19:17
  11. Giggling-growling detractors are not qualified to care about His Name.    Affection & Growth are very private.    
  12. "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant ??    To his own master he standeth or falleth !"    Rom.14:4
  13. "things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel" Ph.1:12 ; Rev.3:7,8  
  14. Other converts could describe these things better than me, but if they decline, they lose;  i.e. forfeiture is real.
  15. The Holy Spirit & we are doing all we can in this for you. For all eternity it will be true that:  We tried to tell You.
  16. We risk much time & money here, but you lukewarm & cynical critics lose more than that, ---for-all-eternity.
  17. Old men, with a white beard, on "borrowed time", are glad they didn't wait for sly "men" to tell them this Truth. 
  18. As dba St. Min. for Jesus (USRegTm) for 27 yrs, we've told many big crowds:  Realize !  Repent !  Receive !
  19. "Dead Serious" (beside Noah) means if you WON'T care what He says, you WON'T go where He is.   Ac.4:12
  20. If you are lukewarm toward YaHUShuA's sayings (Lu.14:24a) (as you are His Name), you'll be vomit.  Rev.3:16
  21. Warnings like this, by Elohim Almighty, are required to be “dead serious”.  Ez.33:8 ; Titus 3:10 ; Mk.9:43- ! 48
  22. If Moses & "the Chiefest Apostle"  (Gal.2:11),  can be corrected, then also the Scripture translators !  2Tim. 3:16
  23. Scriptural warnings here can sound unkind, --yet be valuable, 2Sam.12:7a.    [ We would serve you kindly .]
  24. Jude 1:3b teaches us to 'be contentious' defending our Basics, like defending our True Love from Danger !
  25. Wolves, swine, snakes, bastards, vomit, roadkill:   Bible-view of you unrepentant sort. Rev.3:16 ; 1Kg.13:28
  26. Screamers outside Noah's Ark were disposable with the roaches because no love was lost !  Jn. 3:18; Gen.7:21
  27. YaH was tortured-to-death for filthy men who prefer football scores more than their Rescuer's Name ! Rev.22:11
  28. If your father's name gets smeared, diminished or despised, wouldn't you speak up to protect it ?  Ps.22:22a
  29. The devil's brood (Jn. 8:44) , like brute beasts (2 Pet. 2:12) , won't care about their father or his REAL name.
  30. Ministers have sputtered at me : “Restoring His Name “causes divisions””.   [funny !]     Matt.17:11; Rom.16:17
  31. In wrongly “dividing the Word of Truth”, Dullards say YaHUShuA's sacrifice eliminated: Ex.12:2 ; [3:15+20:16] 
  32. Halleluia means WHAT??   [Your Scriptural ignorance is repulsive like a big open wound.]  Lu.19:41,42 ; 24:25
  33. Worldwide, scornful-Churchettes are indifferent-to or hostile-to His Name. (Blame “who?”)  Jer.23:27 ; Is.56:11
  34. Sly “men” who offer a substitute thing resemble Bible characters who got struck dead.   Lev.10:2 ; Acts 5:5,6
  35. Sly “men” will be held responsible for anguish caused by their “converts” who sneered about “My Holy Name” ! 
  36. The oldest sin in The Book is by some creature pretending to speak for the Creator, but is a willing LIAR !
  37. That name “JESUS” is used for salvation by grace, but His mom never even heard that hybrid, undefined idiom.
  38. Restoration-obstructors consent to mis-quotations of His Name !   Matt.23:39 ; Mk.12:29 ; Lu.4:8 ; Rev.15:4 
  39. Dubious “converts”, in “countless” conversations, sputter a wall of resistance against His Name. Isaiah 63:19  
  40. It's “social suicide” at work to assert Scripture and “social suicide” at church to assert YaHUShuA !   Jn.15:21
  41. Is it right to let churchjokers into a heaven who willfully diminish the Owner's Name ?  Jn.10:1 ;  Rom.9:17d
  42. His Name appears nearly 2000 places before Jerusalem is ever even mentioned, yet “Authorities” hide it !
  43. We've heard great sermons that tell or yell about everything, except warnings for diminishing His Name !
  44. In Ex.23:13 YaHUaH forbade our speaking names of other “gods”.  Heylel (Lucifer): mentioned only once.
  45. So Ex.23:13 forbids: ”LORD GOD THE POPE” !     Tit. XIV, Cap. IV. Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium, Paris, 1685 
  46. You Hated Nicolaitanes, -diminish our Rescuer's Name (& agony) and care even less about our names.  Is.63:19
  47. You hated Nicolaitanes are identifiable. We see you loving preeminence & grasping for authority.  Rev.2:15
  48. You beloved Servants are identifiable.   We see you scripturally edifying & comforting.  Jn.14:26 ; Jn.15:26
  49. You endangered Lukewarm (cynical about His standards) hobble your own growth, like a BONSAI. 1Cor.14:38 !
  50. Our Rescuer, (among us as Love itself), was First a “wonderful counselor” (edifier), and Last , - a scolder.
  51. Torah(Law) did change by LOVE, but LOVE is still defined by Torah. Heb.7:12; Jn.14:15 ; Matt.28:20
  52. Lesser Commandments imposed a death penalty; the greater Comm. (for His Name) is snubbed.   John 17:12
  53. Scripture prescribes about two dozen actions & honors specifically for His Name. But who cares ?   Heb.2:1
  54. Only a few of us here on planet earth will ever use or defend His Name, and even less will examine its origins !
  55. Simple doctrine preserves YaHUaH's Name. Ex.3:15 Adam & Eve kept it.   Will you spurn it ?   2Tim.4:3
  56. If you publicly downgrade His Name [ “YaH” (the Self-Existent One) ] , -- then yours deserves the same.
  57. Your Blotting His Name out of His scriptures, risks your name out from His Book of Life !!    Rev.22:19
  58. Lukewarm types (I Cor.14:38), lose forever, the chance to learn truth about His Name and to speak for YaH !
  59. Lukewarm “converts” usually “break fellowship” and “dust off their feet” rather than care about Ps.96:8a !
  60. “. . . the time of the end . . . . knowledge shall be increased.” Dan. 12:4             Is that rocket science only ?
  61. Tradition suppresses His Great Name, then, slanders us who obediently glorify & exalt it beyond tradition !
  62. Tradition hid it thousands of years, and now forfeits the authority to declare the intent of the Holy Spirit !
  63. Hebrew Tradition, whose “letter killeth”, resists & resents our glorifying “YaHUaH”.   2 Cor.3:6c; 1 Sam.17:45
  64. Orig. Heb. Script (& we) proclaim “YaH” & “YaHUaH” in thousands & thousands & thousands of places !
  65. Use the Torah (Law) for Admonitions and as a help to Acceptable Worship. 1Cor.10:11; Rev.11:18 ; Prov.28:9
  66. Rulers rule kingdoms with Rules which begin with His Name or Title. Gen.1:1, 4:1,26; Ex.20:2; Matt.24:4
  67. Surely !  There's no irritable, contrary, antagonistic, unrepentant, anti-YaHUShuA rebels when facing death ! 
  68. Since that name Yeshua was common it would not have been hated so much as YaHUShuA !   Ac.4:18; 5:40 
  69. As with Annanias & Sapphira, Holy Spirit can pull weeds (tares) ,  or pull away, quietly,  -from a reprobate.
  70. Unrepentant people worldwide truly prefer to suffer avoidable misery than read Father's advice. Rom.1:32
  71. Thousands of thousands of Killers , proclaim the name of their god to the whole world, on their headbands.
  72. Savages send little children out to explode land mines but  they know their God's name.  Churches are dumb.
  73. Fiery TV preacher: “If you're not a leader now, neither will you be in heaven !”  (which disregards Matt. 5:19)
  74. Religious Authorities cannot understand Holiness factors: Is.44:18; -56:6;  Ex.20:2,7,8; -31:13 ; Rev.22:11
  75. Demotion threats, Death threats, Damnation threats, and Salvation threats revolve around His Name.
  76. Converts ! Contend for the faith !  (YaH's sword is like a machete for His name !) Ps.149:6; Jude.1:3; Lu.19:27 
  77. Gabriel, Pilate, demons, Ac.26:15 ; Heb.4:8,14 -all say “YaHUShuA” just like Moses in Nu.13:16 & Deu.3:21.
  78. Old Question:  W.W.J.D., - What Would Jesus Do ?  Answer: He would use His own Name !  YaHUShuA !
  79. Even if defiling your neighbor's wife !!! or YaHUaH's Name or Sabbath is NOT a sin, -it's still less noble !
  80. You are crooked , to avoid : Zaphenath-Paneah & Jerub-Baal & Belteshazzar, then prefer “Jesus”.  Phpp.2:15
  81. Holy Name-detractors  misunderstand this Truth we bring, and are good at name-calling.  Jn.15:21; Lu.21:12
  82. The persecution by mutilation overseas, makes persecution by scorn (against His Name) easy !     James.1:2
  83. YaH's promise in Is.56:5 looks absurd until you admit that some of his sons & daughters reject His Name !
  84. Disobedient Authorities study warfare of Body, Mind & Spirit, yet obliterate the Name of the Captain !  Heb.2:10
  85. Religious Jews preferred the criminal (Jn.18:39,40) like people now prefer Constantine the Sabbath "KILLER" !! 
  86. Religious Authorities (et al) were forbidden by ROME (29JUN08)to pray by imploring Elohim's Hebrew Name.
  87. Religious Authorities have proven to be dangerous to “My Holy Name”, and dangerous to countless Crypto-Jews !
  88. Religious Authorities don't care that the King will return and purge unauthorized names.  Ex.23:13 ; Zec. 14:9
  89. Religious Authorities need to heed Matt.5:19 as a warning to them about what they are truly poised to lose.
  90. Religious Authorities who hide His Name from “Christian Soldiers” resemble governments who disarm families.
  91. Religious Authorities hold mid-night prayer meetings Dec.31, to honor WICKED Gregory's calendar vs Ex.12:2 !
  92. Religious Authorities hide the real meaning of DEVIL then whine when folks exercise SLANDER.  Pr.26:20
  93. Religious Authorities give more accommodation to dangerous homos than to “My Holy Name”.  Dan.7:25a
  94. Religious Authorities give more accommodation to pagan Halloween than to “My Holy Name”.  Eph.4:27
  95. Religious Authorities give more accommodation to “graven images” than to “My Holy Name”. 1Jn.3:4 ; Ex.20:4 
  96. Religious Authorities COWER to petty frowns of petty peers more than to  The Word  set-up to Judge them !
  97. Religious Authorities compile contemptible "bibles" by omitting inspired words yet label them "HOLY".   Lu. 2:33
  98. Religious Authorities (et al) were forbidden by ROME (29JUN08) to pray by imploring Elohim's Hebrew Name.
  99. Religious Authorities set-up “Good Friday” by “the day of the week”.  YaH says: “day of the month” !  Ex.12:6
  100. Religious Authorities avoid “Thy kingdom come” because IT won't submit to their Name-Substitution.  Zec. 14:9
  101. Religious Authorities avoid “Thy kingdom come”.   IT will reverse Rome's Day of Rest !  Mic. 4:2b,3a ; Is. 2:1-4
  102. “Dogs”,  “cannot understand” Is.56:11, and are not to be given “My Holy Name” !  Matt.7:6a; 13:10; Jn.17:9
  103. They cannot understand us who “renew”(Rom.12:2), and prefer YaH's Name & TORAH & N.T. more than TV.
  104. They cannot understand: -the difference between the Old covenant (“which vanished away”) and the TORAH !
  105. They cannot understand: -Old Covenant vanished; TORAH remains quotable (Jer.31:31) & for profit Matt.5:19 ! 
  106. They cannot understand: -4th Beast Power(Matt.20:19; Dan.7:25);claims the change to Sunday ! Council Trent
  107. They cannot understand: -If calendar experts compute to 1/1000 day, -then ”jews” can surely count to seven.
  108. They cannot understand: -that “jews”, like the “wise men”, were expected to know Him: Dan.9:25; Lu.19:42
  109. They cannot understand: -Rom.8:29; Col.3:10; Matt.5:28 are  “the mastery” for us Priests&Kings.  Rom.14:all
  110. They cannot understand: -they're required to separate the clean from the unclean (maggots). Ez.22:26; 44:23
  111. They cannot understand: -they're required to separate the Menorah from Santa & Reindeer.  Ez.22:26 ; 44:23
  112. They cannot understand: -so, approve pigs & snakes at Yah's exquisite Marriage Supper of the Lamb ! 1Pet.1:16
  113. They cannot understand: -that blood-washed, grafted-in, chosen, adopted “gentiles” ARE Nazarene Israelites !
  114. They cannot understand: -“Nazarene Israelites” ARE members of tribes !!   Jer.31:31-36; Rev.21:12; Ez.47:22
  115. They cannot understand: -(or declare) four simple steps (calendar facts) which fix Lu.2:11 at “Tabernacles” !
  116. They cannot understand: -Gabriel's Dec. visit was private; Big Celebrations were deferred nine months. Lu.2:11
  117. They cannot understand: -or declare: Dec. 25th / Kislev 25th approximates Gabriel's visit , not Messiah's birth.
  118. They cannot understand: -modesty on Dec.25 is fine, but heaven celebrated with the angels at Tabernacles.
  119. They cannot understand: -forcing Dec.25 @ Lu.2:11 steals from His commemoration of Feast of Tabernacles. 
  120. They cannot understand: -that Gabriel in Lu.1:28 & the angel in Lu.2:11 both spoke Hebrew saying ”YaHUaH” !
  121. They cannot understand: -to study YaH's Appointed Times for guidance on His second coming: Lev.23:28-30.
  122. They cannot understand: -angels explained twice why His Name is YaH:  by role &  title:  Matt.1:21; Lu.2:11 .
  123. They cannot understand: -they prefer to use the devolved, demeaning substitute in Neh.8:17, instead of YaH !
  124. They cannot understand: -BornAgain ≠ Growth>  Heb.6:1; Acts 24:14  ;   righteous ≠ Holy > Rev.22:11 
  125. They cannot understand: -Jesus (Ac. 7:45 & 59 ! ) identical spellings in Greek demand identical in Hebrew !
  126. They cannot understand: -that “sin is STILL a transgression of the TORAH !”  Rom.3:31; -7:14 ; 1 John 3:4
  127. They cannot understand: -while they protest sin (SIN= to miss the target ) , -they themselves miss His Name.
  128. They cannot understand: -as they are bold to impose their errors, -overcomers shall be bolder,later! Rev.3:11
  129. They cannot understand: -they rebeled and “Fed not my flock” (Is.56:11)  about ”My Holy Name” !   Ez. 34:8
  130. They cannot understand: -Sunday is inferior to Sabbath;  'jesus' is inferior to YaHUShuA !           Ez. 20:20 !!
  131. They cannot understand: -most all Bibles since 1880 are influenced by two filthy, cursed perverts.   REPEAT !!
  132. They cannot understand:  the "so-called KJV center-verse" is Ps.103:1, which says to bless His Holy Name !|:o))
  133. They cannot understand: -all Ten Comm. get cited as perpetual in the New Covenant.    Rom.3:31; Rev.12:17
  134. They cannot understand: -YaH scatters His Israel by wrenching. Hos.6:1; Ez.4:13; Neh.1:8-11; Zec.10:6-9;13:9
  135. They cannot understand: -their own bold sin of preserving the Hebrew names of false gods and not YaH's !
  136. They cannot understand: -their disrespect (nor to fear damnation) for removing His Name. Rev.1:1; 22:18,19
  137. “Dogs”,  “cannot understand” Is.56:11, and are not to be given “My Holy Name” !  Matt.7:6a; 13:10; Jn.17:9
  138. “Dogs”,   pulpiteers & writers, now grab & parrot what we suffer to provide, with no heart to “give honor”.
  139. “Dogs”,   now follow popular trends to  His Real Name, but won't repent publicly for damages to us or you !
  140. Go ahead !!!  Try the spirit of a “dog” and see what you get.> 1Jn.4:1 “...by their fruits you shall know them.”
  141. They don't declare His Name (Rom.9:17d) ; they diminish it (Ex.30:7).      Some will be whipped (Lu.12:47) !
  142. The signboard by Roman Pontius Pilate declared “YaHUShuA” better than 2000 years of clamorous pulpiteers ! 
  143. YaH “cannot lie”, but pulpiteers & translators can & do: Deu.32:35 !     ”I am YaHUaH thy Elohim”    Ex.20:2
  144. All this is best understood by born again people.    You Lukewarm & Stubborn choose ignorance.     Job 17:4
  145. King Jehoiakim & Jehudi (ex. Bible rebels) cut out scriptures (such as His Name) using a “penknife”.   Jer.36:23
  146. Death by stoning was decreed for blasphemy and for luring folks to another Elohim !  Lev.24:16 ; Deu.13:1-13
  147. Countless thousands have sung Ps.113:3 unto His Name like puppets, but have never even been told what it is !
  148. Dead Serious: Key of Knowledge, Lu.11:52;  Strait (narrow) is the Gate, Matt.7:14; NONE other Name, Acts4:12
  149. You don't have to “bet your life” on the phonics offered here;  just don't defend the undefined substitute ”jesus”.
  150. Numerous Holy Scriptures say His Name is involved (or essential) to be saved,  Y E T it gets obscured !  Ac.4:12
  151. Obedience> ”Born Again”: Ac.2:38;15:24  ? Obedience> ”Grow”: Ac.15:17,19,20,21 (2Pet.3:18a;Eph.4:15)
  152. Without a firm “scepter” [the Ten Comm. &  Name of YaH]  dumb sheep swoon into dumb pastor-worship.
  153. YouTube videos show converts being mocked. They look weak w/o the use of the Ten Comm.    1Jn.3:4
  154. Ten Comm.: - worsens Guilty Verdict to incinerate non-converts; but is a ”Perfect Law of Liberty” to converts.
  155. Both “John” & YaHUShuA were probably conceived & born by both Solstices & both Equinoxes !! Lu.1:5   Abiah
  156. "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year" violates His Calendar.  "Merry Sukkot & Happy Pesach" is better !!  Ex.12:2
  157. In Ex.3:14 (“I am that I am”) I AM describes Himself.  In Ex.3:15 (“YaHUaH”) YaH tells US how to describe.
  158. Religion(unscriptural ritual) & Legalism(forced demands) are filthy; Honor due His Name, is Holiness. Ps.29:2
  159. Our Rescuer's “threats” are user-friendly IF you can see them as guardians around your doctrinal perimeter. 
  160. He was disrobed on a cold day, -made to squirm on a bloody board (worse than a mad-dog !),  in our place.
  161. He obtained for us “fullness of joy” & “pleasures forevemore”; yet you scoffers diminish His Name !  Jer.23:27
  162. Do you dare diminish: Ex.9:16b ; 2 Sam.7:26 ; Ez.39:7 ?????    Threats & Restorations by YaH are here now !
  163. YaHUShuA spoke to protect every “jot & tittle” , yet mere men “play the fool” to obliterate His very Name !
  164. Over time, translators have given lower & lower regard to a word-for-word translation, starting with His Name.
  165. Denominational Authorities compile a TALMUD (not Torah) of Rules that conflict with the Apostles' Doctrine.
  166. No one except Born Again people want to magnify YaHUShuA's G-dhead or Name. 1Cor.12:3a ; Acts 19:17
  167. Yet no other noun or topic is mentioned more often in The Bible than His Name : YaHUaH ×7000 !...
  168. Determining YaHUaH's Name is as simple as common sense, even without any fluency in Hebrew.
  169. Where Ps.34:3 says to “magnify YaHUaH”, it means the person first, -then the Name YHWH (itself), second.
  170. Where Rev.15:4 says to “glorify His Name”, it means to give it the highest honors and meanings possible.
  171. Old Covenant (for Salvation) is heresy !  Yet TORAH remains quotable. Rom.8:29a; Matt.28:20; Acts 5:5-10
  172. Disobedient & Lukewarm & Stubborn (about His Name) do forfeit authority , and will “step aside”. Rev.3:8,11
  173. Transfer of authority is from the care-less to the care-ful; and Heylel steals much by hiding YaH's Name. Jn.10:1
  174. IF, --IF mutilation in Rev.17:16 is on a Sunday-Enforcer , --THEN little Sunday-keepers keep bad-company !
  175. The “Mother of Harlots” and her anti-Sabbath daughters  leer !  Rev.17:5; Ps.37:32  Warning: Rev.18:4
  176. The “Mother of Harlots” and her anti-Sabbath daughters fulfill Dan.7:25a ! Times = Feasts; Laws = Torah
  177. In Daniel, the 4th Beast Power is Rome; it depriveth the Whole World by diminishing His Name.      Rev.12:9
  178. In Daniel, the 4th Beast Power is Rome; it depriveth the Whole World by diminishing His Calendar.  Rev.12:9
  179. Captives(2Tim.2:26)  of that Beast Power(Dan.7:19-22)  always diminish(1Jn. 4:1a)  YaH's Name & Sabbath.
  180. Mutilations done to True Love by that Beast Power, left Daniel sick.    Dan.7:7-25 ; 8:27  ;   Rev.12:9 ; 18:4
  181. The Beast in Rev. used a false prophet.  [-amazing similarity: Catechism 841 !!!] ;   Rev.16:13; 19:20; 20:10
  182. YaH's Basics of Creation (Name & Sabbath & gender) are not to be mutilated, but preserved !        Gen.1:31
  183. A substitute Sabbath Day and Holy Name “does resemble” a substitute Religion.   [John 6:37b]   Rom.8:9b
  184. History says Pope Gregory massacred, then celebrated wildly,  -yet his calendar is preferred, over YaHUaH's.
  185. The KJV changes YaHUaH to LORD virtually 7000 times and changes it to Jehovah four times !
  186. The KJV is wonderful, but in Is.26:4 it robs H#3050 of YaH; -then, it robs H#3068 of YaHUaH AND LORD.
  187. The KJV @ Ex.23:17++ says, “Lord GOD” for Heb.#3068 Heb.#3068. (( We prefer “YHWH YHWH” ! )) 
  188. The KJV original did show YaHUaH's Hebrew Name, using Hebrew letters, two places !    But not since !
  189. The KJV-1611 was revised at least twice, to correct typos & scribal inconsistencies but not “My Holy Name”.
  190. The KJV trained us to prefer pagan substitutes: LORD & GOD, for 400 yrs.     This website supercedes that !
  191. The KJV is inconsistent (or falsifies?) YaH/Heb.#3050 in Ps.68:4 & 18 !     [v.4 asserts YaH, v.18 refuses !]
  192. The KJV still mis-names one Jacob as James,  Passover as Easter (pagan Ishtar),  &  YaHUaH as LORD.
  193. The KJV Greek word “devil” should have been translated into this useable English word: ”Slanderer” !
  194. The KJV Greek word “christ” should have been translated into this meaningful English word: ”Annointed” !
  195. The KJV has been translated into 1100 languages, and Shakespeare has been translated into 50 languages. 
  196. King James & Shakespeare were great.   But I declare “YaHUaH” more than both of those giants !  Rom.9:17 
  197. FYI:  King James was actually spoken as King “Yames”.  That same letter “Y”= the Heb. yod  as seen in YaH !
  198. We here have our faults, -sure ! , but  'too cowardly to proclaim YaHUaH & YaHUShuA', is not one !  Ps.45:17a
  199. And when it's party-time, we here, can party-fine !   Lu.15:23,24,25   Our sense-of-humor & joy is energized !
  200. BAAL & YaHUaH = proper-names. BAAL always means LORD. YaHUaH NEVER means LORD ! Jer.23:26
  201. Both Baal & Adonai mean lord.   [Baal= H#1168 x 51 ;  Adon= H#113/136 x 700]     {El= H#410,H#430}
  202. Both Baal & Adonai mean lord.  -never together in same verse; -wiser to avoid lord;  -specify Baal or Adonai
  203. Baal=satan=devil=Lucifer as references to Heylel H#1966 !   Lord can substitute Adonai, but never >YHWH !
  204. The Hebrew name of our predator appears once, Heylel (H#1966) (Is.14:12) ;  of YHWH  (H#3068) ×7000 !
  205. Heylel: acclaimed as Lucifer! Light-Bearer! Shining-One! Morning Star!  YaH: Self-Existent One, is obscured !
  206. Translators gave us the English letters B-a'a-l for Hebrew letters Ba'al and could have given: YHWH for YHWH !
  207. Translators gave us the English letters for Dan.5:25 unearthly letters  and could have given: YHWH for YHWH !
  208. That name Judas is unpopular, and Fido & Bozo are not defined; -“jesus” as an idiom is a decoy from grandeur.
  209. "Abraham" and "Joshua" are "magnified" names because letters & meanings are added !   Don't diminish "Yah".
  210. Since YaHUaH is the same, Yesterday, Today and Forever, then His Name is also the same, forever !  Ex.3:15 
  211. In a sea of a dozen billion folks, Churchjokers banter that they can get their own significance without His Name.
  212. Implacable churchjokers debate Acts 4:12a,b , -that they can die better W/O the Rescuer's real Name. Rom.1:31
  213. Ques.: Will only a tiny sect of us (out of a dozen billion people) love & declare “YaHUaH” ??   Rev.7:2,3 ; 14:1
  214. Cain & Abel: warns us what you church-rebels will do to us if your substitute worship is declared unacceptable. 
  215. Hypocrites commonly sigh & sing “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” then snub/sneer Elohim's Name, YaHUaH !
  216. YaHUShuA declared YaHUaH (Mk.14:62 / Ps.110:1/Lu.16:17) even on-trial for you (Mk.14:64) !  Will you ?
  217. YaHUShuA repeatedly warned His sheep to “Take heed that no man deceive you !”    -Get serious !  Matt.24:4
  218. Beware : frowning petty peers who do not “hunger & thirst” will slow you down more than your own “insight”.
  219. To “shun to declare” Apostles' Doctrine(Ac.2:42) ,  & traditions(2Thess.2:15) ,  is “bloody”(Ac.20:26,27)!!
  220. IF you won't resent the "theft" of His Name, -THEN you shouldn't resent the confiscation of a crown.   Rev.3:11
  221. Devils & reprobates cannot (i.e. NOT-ALLOWED) to repent !                                Is.66:4 ; 2Thess.2:10,11,12
  222. If you repent, - you repent ; if you don't, - you don't ; but a deal is a deal, -y'know, ...... in this case, forever !
  223. Immanuel is a Title or adjective more than a Name see: Is.7:14 ; Is.8:8 ; Is.8:10 ; Matt.1:23 ; Isaiah 9:6c
  224. You can evade deceivers, -then deceive your own self, if you decline to declare YaHUaH's Name !!!  Rom.9:17c  
  225. Will you leave it all up to a tiny few of us to obey & pursue authority of Rom.9:17, while you just STEP ASIDE ?
  226. Several profoundly disabled men are now laying up treasure (and taking crowns W/O apology) by His Name !
  227. Millions of vigorous worshippers get robbed by men-pleaser-authorities who diminish that Name from Gabriel !
  228. Most of you see ”YaHUaH” just like you would have seen Noah's Ark while Noah was building & preaching.
  229. Unrepentant rebels who mutter that YaH's Name is too divisive, deserve the cruelty of the alternative.  Rev.13:17 
  230. Disobedient Religious Authorities emphasize tithing but diminish “YaH”, contrary to Ex.20:2,7 !  Matt.23:23, 13
  231. Disobedience is inferior.   Obedience is superior.    Superiority receives authority from YaH !       1 Sam.15:28
  232. The serpent in EDEN lost his hands & feet & virtually his real name.  His revenge was similar: Calvary & Name.
  233. Personal legalities expect everyone to use a real name, not some vague AKA or DBA or ALIAS  (like “Jesus” !) !
  234. “Scripture cannot be broken” John 10:35b (esp. His Name), yet His Name is the one that is broken most often !
  235. “Sound doctrines” you never see :  persecution>>2Tim.3:12 ; affection>>Jn.13:34 ; Holy Name>>Rom.9:17
  236. Ugly, unpredictable THREAT: 2Thess.2:10,11,12        [[Holy Spirit sets your ”Point of No Return”]] Ecc.3:14
  237. Worldwide (ignorance-of & hostility-to YaH's Name) was devised by sly men (“dogs”).   Jer.23:27 ; DAN.12:10
  238. Paul was dangerously cryptic* (2Pet.3:16) to some people ; Bible parables filtered out others !  Matt.13:13,14
  239. Disobedient Religious Authorities publicly diminish ”My Holy Name” and thereby disobey the  1st & 6th Comm.
  240. I was a Bible-reading, obedient-employee for 47yrs W/O one direct co-worker who claimed to be Born Again !!
  241. One more spiritual pain is that in my whole long life, only once , has a stranger cared to ask if I was Born Again.
  242. Hallelu-YaH tries to tell us His Name, worldwide ! ;  to obscure “YaH” is inexcusable & punishable !    Is.9:16
  243. YaHUaH put His Name at Jerusalem !, and may restrict the access of sly leaders. 2Chr.6:6; Rom.9:17; Gal.6:7
  244. But since we do declare His Name (Rom.9:17), let us dwell nearer Jerusalem where He put His Name. 2Kgs.21:4
  245. Bastards, snakes, vomit, roadkill: Bible-style contempt for you unrepentant sort. 1Kgs.13:24; Mk.13:20; Rev.3:16
  246. “Dogs” oppose Ps.72:17a,b, & guilty of John 5:42,43a !  Others kept out of New Jerusalem.  Rev22:15; Tit.1:13
  247. “Dogs”,  “cannot understand” Is.56:11, and are not to be given “My Holy Name” !  Matt.7:6a ; 13:10; Jn.17:9
  248. Disobedient Religious Authorities could be dogs ? (or worse) in Scripture.   Is.56:11 ; Philip.3:2a;  Matt.23:33
  249. Dear “Adam & Eve”,                                                                              XXX
  250. First, -humbly discern who are dogs, THEN you obey:  >> “Give not “My Holy Name” to dogs” >> Matt.7:6a

 The "Fullness of the Godhead" said silly men build their houses on sand. To prefer a substitute for "YaHUaH", is sand.
 Falsified Names will burn: "wood, hay & stubble" !   Unrepentant people: disposed-of like "chaff in the wind" !  Ps.1:4
 Rods of Iron:  Noah's Ark; Ez.9:4,5,6; Ez.14:13,14,18; Tit.3:10;  Mark 4:10,11,12 !    YHWH  says so: Prov.1:28,29

The beggars in Matt.7:22 will include high church leaders who held the truth in unrighteousness.  Rom.1:18 !!!!

Dogs can be wonderful as "man's best friend".         But,  -some things they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18
Dogs can be wonderful as "man's best friend".         But,  -some things they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18
Wolves = Ravenous; Dogs = Friendly, but truth (like Yah & seven days) they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18

Don't get all mixed up.  We did not tell Isaiah to write "dogs" in Is.56:11 !  It was YaHUaH, Elohim Almighty ! 
Don't get all mixed up.  Trust me ! we did not tell  the "Fullness of the Godhead"!  to say "dogs" !   Matt.7:6a !
Don't get all mixed up.  Most all kinds of dogs are fun, and we can play.   Some are dangerous, or vicious.
Don't get all mixed up.  The Gospel itself is precious , even if the preacher is sly !  Philippians 1:15,16,17,18 
Don't get all mixed up.  Do remember YaHUaH's quote about "dogs", but not more than His Name, please !

Some "dogs" virtually blame us for that dreadful word "dogs" in Is. 56:11 [because "dogs" will be "dogs"]. 
Hirelings can preserve their prominence by "parroting" just any Name their local people prefer !  Rev.2:16 
It"s "social suicide" on-the-job to talk Scripture, and "social suicide" at church to talk of YaHUShuA ! Jn.15:21

John the Baptist was much more tough & bold & severe than me.  He might say,
"The Rescuer will separate the sheep from the goats (Matt.25:33) , but YOU are expected to
separate the sheep from the "dogs"".  (Matt.7:6a)     Practice, practice, -someday you will judge Angels !   

Go ahead !  "Test" the spirit of a "dog".  1Jn.4:1   See what you get.  Matt.7:20 !  Did they want His Name ?
You need to see for yourself that they are too proud (less humble) than you, to honor & respond to truth here.
Such "dogs" who become wise (Micah 6:9) (including me) do repent, and then give His Name , selectively !
NOTE:  The Rescuer's Truth, like Matt.7:6a, can require very great courage to obey and repeat, selectively.

Matt. 7:6a&b are both still true & dangerous, now, 2000 years later, and it is quite easy to prove. 
One minister sternly admonished us !  He said restoring "My  Holy  Name" will "cause divisions" !  Rev.22:11
"Cursed be  he that doeth the work of YaHUaH, deceitfully" !  Jer.48:10 (KJV).  OK ?  2 Thess. 2:10, 11,12 
"Wolves in sheep's clothing are not sheep !".   So, -- The King is coming back with fire in His eyes.  Rev.19:12 
Those who "do understand" & resist, are Disobedient Religious Authorities. Dan.12:10 ; Deu.29:29 ; Lu.12:47 
"Dogs" resist Ps.72:17a,b, and resist John 5:42,43a. Others are kept out of NewJerusalem. Rev22:15;Tit.1:13 
They diminish my Father's truth: "My Holy Name" and His Seal (whose elements are in the Fourth Comm).  

At a public prayer meeting, an Ecumenical lead "dog" honored the prayer of a visitor who follows a demonic 
Plan of Salvation.  Then someone else prayed in the name of Yah (Ps.68:4b KJV).  Promptly & forcefully &
contrarily the "dog" "hammered" "in Jesus's name" a dozen times, struggling against Yah's Name YaH !!
Disobedient Religious Authorities deserve to be deposed by "unlearned fishermen", -and disposed-of.  Acts 4:13

(They also suspect in Lu.1:5,26 YaHUShUA's birth is October. but keep that from you !)    
FYI: Both conceptions & births (of John-Baptist & our Savior) virtually coincide with both solstices & Equinoxes !   

Disobedient Religious Authorities deserve to get corrected & deposed by "unlearned fishermen".   Acts 4:13
(They also suspect in Lu.1:5,26 YaHUShUA's birth is Oct. but keep that from you !)    
Both conceptions & births (of John-Baptist & our Savior) virtually coincide with both solstices & Equinoxes !   
Now it's your turn. >>  Rom.9:17  You will or you won't declare His Name like He wants.  Rom.9:17
You who won't  Proclaim His Name & Sabbath resemble  the 90%  who wouldn't return from Babylon !   
Rev.18:2, 4    Remember ! !  Rev.21:8 says you fearful deserve the Lake of Fire just like murderers !!! !!! !!!
Do you really plan to wait on some Sunday Worshipping "dog" to lead you to this truth ?  Is.58:1 ! 
Please don't get all mixed up.  Our prayers go with you.
Without obedience, Prayers are disgusting.  Jer.7:16; Jer.9:16; Jer.13:14; Prov.28:9 ! Prov.28:9 ! Ps.1:4

This list received a leading-by and a blessing-from the Holy Spirit, which . . . . shifts a burden to you.  
You are now duty-bound to pray & decide if this is just a pile of facts & opinions without any consequences 
for you, or a serious message of Threats & Restoration by the Holy Spirit.   ok ?
Typically, little bastards can't know the name of their Father, but worse is churchy-people who don't care-to !

*Some of Paul's remarks which "abandoned" the law can be better understood  (2Pet.3:16) when we
rightly divide whether he referred to its prophecies or all the TORAH or  ANIMAL-SACRIFICE portion,  etc. 
[[But it is "disqualified" as the highest provision  "for salvation" !, "for salvation" !, "for salvation" !]]
[[But it is "disqualified" as the highest provision  "for salvation" !, "for salvation" !, "for salvation" !]]
Do you need another repeat ?
The Savior of the World repeated Himself SIX TIMES IN A ROW about the flames of Hell !  Mark 9:43-48 !!!
Parables, Prophecies, Dark Sayings and Covenants:   -you will, repeat WILL "connect the dots" or else.
"The simplicity that is in Christ" is the provision "for salvation"  !    2Cor.11:3 

"the Law was added" Gal.3:19, 
"the Law was changed" Heb.7:12
BUT . . . . . . . . .
People have never been saved by Laws.
People have always been saved by grace.

But the King's Court detests you who are willingly ignorant and too stubborn to grow.  Prov. 4:7 ; 2Pet.3:18 

The Rescuer of the Whole World DID use some parables to "filter-out" certain people ! WoW ! (John 8:10)  
And again: The Apostle Paul was dangerously cryptic*  to those who twist the scriptures.  (2Pet.3:16)

[Over the years, Catholics always prove to be far superior in familiarity with Yah's Hebrew Name. Heb.6:1]
[Over the years, Catholics always seem to be far inferior in familiarity with Yah's Plan of Salvation.  Jn.3:3]

Torah retains some binding instructions in prophecy & feasts & doctrines & acceptable-worship-for-growth.
Rev. 14:12  
"Here is the patience of the saints:
here are they that keep the commandments of God
and the faith of YaHUShUA"    (Jn. 5:37 ;  Matt. 28:20 ; 2Tim. 3:12)     


 "Iron sharpeneth Iron"
     ABOUT HIS NAME     Prov.27:17 ; Isaiah 9:16

  1. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to poor converts in little village of Berea (to authenticate His name).
  2. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to Gr. translators in 100± B.C., who wrote YaH's Sinai signature !
  3. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to Gr. translators in 100± A.D., who wrote joshua=jesus in Gr. !
  4. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to Gr. translators of 100± A.D., now write jesus≠joshua in Eng. !
  5. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to common sense praying for Jerusalem using "LORD" ! 2Ch.6:6
  6. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to brats, willing to diminish Father's name then claim inspiration.
  7. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to EVE !  Unlike them, she did declare: "YaHUaH"!    Gen.4:1,26
  8. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to primitive people w/o B.S./M.S./Ph.D. who WILL tell His Name !
  9. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to average reader of 2000 yrs ago when they disregard Rom.9:17.
  10. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to little bigots (i.e. the ecumenicals who DO use "YaH"). 1Ki.18:21
  11. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to News Media by hiding greater truth & risk greater guilt. Ac.20:27
  12. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to a pagan King, Es.6:4. Unlike him they withhold honor. Rom.13:7
  13. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to killer-terrorists who do declare  their god's Name !    Rom.9:17
  14. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to real Evangelists who assert "Repent" & "YaHUShuA".  Lu.13:3,5
  15. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to know YaH's Gate is narrow yet prefer a substitute Name.  Mk.7:7
  16. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to diminish YaH's Name, then expect help.   Rom.10:13; Matt.5:19
  17. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior to the intent of Scripture: -to utter "YaHUaH" continually.  Ps.113:3 
  18. Disobedient Religious Authorities act inferior by peddling 300+ Bibles omitting His Name and Joseph's ! Lu.2:33
  19. Disobedient Religious Authorities in Nigeria (Hausa Bible translation) substituted Allah (of Koran) for YaHUaH ! 
  20. Disobedient Religious Authorities amused or frustrated here (instead of ashamed) cannot teach about repentance.
  21. Disobedient Religious Authorities become uncharitable when pressed for real truth about His Name. Try it & see !
  22. Disobedient Religious Authorities who diminish His Name, sow discord, which is a serious abomination. Prov.6:19
  23. Disobedient Religious Authorities are personally threatened by YaHUaH.    Too fecal to discuss.   Mal. 2:1,2,3
  24. Disobedient Religious Authorities fear little frowns by little peers more than big Bible warnings. Deu.28:58;29:29
  25. Disobedient Religious Authorities protect their authority more than His Name or your education about His Name.
  26. Disobedient Religious Authorities know the Almighty said "My Holy Name" twelve times, but won't teach it ! 
  27. Disobedient Religious Authorities know His Ten Comm. signed His Name sixteen times, but won't teach it !
  28. Disobedient Religious Authorities know: the first phrase in First Commandment is His Name, but won't teach it !
  29. Disobedient Religious Authorities may spend a lifetime on vague prophecies yet disregard His name 7000× !
  30. Disobedient Religious Authorities collect your money & bury you & "send you away" W/O the Name of your G-d.
  31. Disobedient Religious Authorities obscured YaH's Name & left it estranged & "forgotten" ! Matt.24:4 ; Jer.23:27a 
  32. Disobedient Religious Authorities make Dallas the "Jesus Capital" of planet earth, --but devoid of "YaH" ! [sly]
  33. Disobedient Religious Authorities when told YaHUaH's Name, snub us here & Moses !  Ex.3:14,15 ; Matt.7:6a
  34. Disobedient Religious Authorities ignore the mandate: "My people shall know My Name." Is.52:6 ; Jer.44:26-28
  35. Disobedient Religious Authorities subvert the admonition: "Let everything that hath breath praise YaHUaH" !
  36. Disobedient Religious Authorities lack explicit, defined-authority  to use "jesus" to exorcise. Mk.16:17; Ac.19:15 
  37. Disobedient Religious Authorities confuse  Name  & Title:  Jer.10:6b,-44:26; Is.42:8; Mal.1:6,11,14 ; Ps. 7:17 !!
  38. Disobedient Religious Authorities shout belligerent condemnations, -yet resent these true restorations. Matt.17:11
  39. Disobedient Religious Authorities repeatedly claim to "Major on the majors . . .",  yet quench His Name !  [sly]
  40. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't care that true prophets in scripture specified: "Thus saith YaHUaH" !
  41. Disobedient Religious Authorities & KJV impose numerous Hebrew words (except His for His Name).  Jn.19:17 
  42. Disobedient Religious Authorities substitute "jews" (an ugly little idiom) in place of "YaHUDIM",  - 244 places !
  43. Disobedient Religious Authorities duly emphasize Rom.10:9,10,  then comparatively hide its criterion: v.13 !
  44. Disobedient Religious Authorities will lose crowns for misapplying the "Ten Comm." & his Name.   Ps.19:7a  
  45. Disobedient Religious Authorities avoid "remnant", Rev.12:17, where commandments promote His Name ! 
  46. Disobedient Religious Authorities do not clarify that YaHUShuA weilded "YaHUaH" while in the wilderness !
  47. Disobedient Religious Authorities can pray & fast 40-days, yet refuse to "Love", "Fear", "Declare", - His Name.
  48. Disobedient Religious Authorities even with grand Seminary Degrees, repress the meaning of: "Halleluia" ! 
  49. Disobedient Religious Authorities define "Halleluia" & His Holy Name by using "jehovah" and feel no shame !
  50. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't care that Greek never used a "J", or Paleo-Hebrew never used a "V" ! 
  51. Disobedient Religious Authorities resemble Cain & Jereboam who invented and preferred their own terms. 
  52. Disobedient Religious Authorities who demand "Sola Scriptura" then diminish Ex.20:7, -are deceived ! Rev.12:9
  53. Disobedient Religious Authorities led all of us away from the basics of Jude 1:3, & "remnant" in Rev. 12:17 !
  54. Disobedient Religious Authorities who subvert YaH as a seal, preach "another Jesus"! Ez.9:4,5;  Rev.7:3; 22:4
  55. Disobedient Religious Authorities dare to train us to "bow & confess" to TWO wrong nameS  !  Philip.2:10,11 
  56. Disobedient Religious Authorities use Hebrew: Dagon, Moloch, Tammuz, Ishtar, Chemosh & Baal, but not YaH ! 
  57. Disobedient Religious Authorities impose "LORD" or HaShem or Baal or Adonai more than YaHUaH !   Jer. 12:16
  58. Disobedient Religious Authorities who defend counterfeit names by bigotry,  -do defy YaH's warning !  Ex. 20:7
  59. Disobedient Religious Authorities readily alter what YaH said He would not alter. Ps.89:34 ; Ex.19:9; 20:5,22
  60. Disobedient Religious Authorities quote  Matt. 5:18, then discard these very letters that spell His Name !  
  61. Disobedient Religious Authorities pretend to be immune to Rev.12:9a  & YaH !  ["deceiveth the whole world"] 
  62. Disobedient Religious Authorities thunder the names of Reformation Sunday-keeping heroes, but not YaH !  
  63. Disobedient Religious Authorities diminish His Loving Name while adversaries proclaim unLoving names.  [sly]
  64. Disobedient Religious Authorities dupe converts to "declare" themselves as Elders but  don't "declare" His Name ! 
  65. Disobedient Religious Authorities leave us unprepared to use His Name "YaHUaH" to cast out The Slanderer ! 
  66. Disobedient Religious Authorities leave your-love-for-His-Name dumb,  -like 'pushers' leave your brain dumb.
  67. Disobedient Religious Authorities hide this "Key of Knowledge" like "thieves & robbers".  Lu.11:52; Jn.10:8
  68. Disobedient Religious Authorities wouldn't tell you about a Concordance  based on His Name, or this website.
  69. Disobedient Religious Authorities who bury His Name do resemble the damned soul in Matt. 25:25,30 ! ! !
  70. Disobedient Religious Authorities may prefer to be 'infiltrated & scattered' by witches more than declare His Name !
  71. Disobedient Religious Authorities never encourage humble "street" evangelists to tell the crowds His Name.
  72. Disobedient Religious Authorities deserve subjugation to Torah-"observant" youth who love His Name. Is.3:4
  73. Disobedient Religious Authorities mumble "hallowed be thy name", then always diminish it !     Exodus 20:7
  74. Disobedient Religious Authorities robbed & shamed countless passionate songs & singers of His dear Name !
  75. Disobedient Religious Authorities use E.L.S. de-coding and find "Yeshua" everywhere, but it's not His Name ! 
  76. Disobedient Religious Authorities urge exhausting frequent attendance, then impose LORD as YaH's name ! 
  77. Disobedient Religious Authorities use Lexicons by genius Gesenius, yet hide his assertion of "hu" in YaHUaH.
  78. Disobedient Religious Authorities Dishonor Acts 15:17 -21 where scripture Honors  His Name [& Sabbaths] !
  79. Disobedient Religious Authorities prefer their land NOT be healed more than be called "YaHUDIM" !  2Chr.7:14
  80. Disobedient Religious Authorities (& European kings) killed countless people to suppress Bible truth like YaH" ! 
  81. Disobedient Religious Authorities avert YaH's Name just like the town drunks & pimps avert their preaching.
  82. Disobedient Religious Authorities know counterfeit names will be "rooted up" but yet don't repent.   Matt.15:13 
  83. Disobedient Religious Authorities could be hirelings if they won't use Ps.68:4b & Is. 42:8 in 1Kg.18:24 ! (KJV)
  84. Disobedient Religious Authorities pervert the Spirit of Truth to pervert YaH’s Name.  Dangerous x 2 !  Rev.3:16
  85. Disobedient Religious Authorities know "J" is recent and never used in Greek or Hebrew, but force it on us ! 
  86. Disobedient Religious Authorities dangerously neglect YaHUShuA's emphasis on "YaHUaH" !     Jn.17:6,11,12
  87. Disobedient Religious Authorities left us sheep to face skillful  Muslims  who can prove His Name is YaHUaH. 
  88. Disobedient Religious Authorities can see that the Hebrew letter for "U" in HalleluYaH is same in YaHUaH !
  89. Disobedient Religious Authorities prefer to use the pagan terms like Lord or "Gawd".  Ex.23:13; Heb.# 1408
  90. Disobedient Religious Authorities double-dare: "YaHUaH is a man of War; YaHUaH is His Name." Ex.15:3 
  91. Disobedient Religious Authorities demolished our defensive fortification provided as a refuge.     Prov.18:10 
  92. Disobedient Religious Authorities shout "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" then hide His Name !
  93. Disobedient Religious Authorities misquote(reverse) Ps.34:3 then supress His Name, - then loathe correction !
  94. Disobedient Religious Authorities virtually play "daredevil" against the warnings in John 5:43 & John 9:41 !
  95. Disobedient Religious Authorities obviously dispute Ps.72:17 which claims YaHUaH's Name is unchangeable ! 
  96. Disobedient Religious Authorities visit Mexico with a pet named Brownie & won't even change the dog's name.
  97. Disobedient Religious Authorities may admit that Bibles delete "YaHUaH" 6,823 times.  TRUE count is 7000±!
  98. Disobedient Religious Authorities accomodate homos and Xmas trees more than "My Holy Name !   Jer.10:1-5
  99. Disobedient Religious Authorities won't be there to hold your sly, shaky hand at your judgement !     Dan.5:6
  100. Disobedient Religious Authorities know YaHUaH spoke His Own Name, but they won't do it.  Ex.34:5,6  
  101. Disobedient Religious Authorities knowingly ignore specific directions to "FEAR" and to "REVERE" His Name !
  102. Disobedient Religious Authorities know this is coming >> Philipp.2:1 << and still don't tell us His Name !
  103. Disobedient Religious Authorities use Bible search-programs which are blind to His name in a 1000+ places ! 
  104. Disobedient Religious Authorities already know John 5:43 but won't be open and honest about it publicly.  
  105. Disobedient Religious Authorities ignore YaH's heart to upgrade saints' names, then diminish His.   Mk.12:19 
  106. Disobedient Religious Authorities dare to tell Some Father what Name He must call His Only Begotten Son !
  107. Disobedient Religious Authorities produce deluded students who screech that it's OK to fool with His Name.
  108. Disobedient Religious Authorities know Ex.3:15b fixes that exact Name unto all generations,  -yet pervert it !
  109. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: perpetuation of Sabbaths & Feast Days !  SEE : Acts 2:1; 15:21,22
  110. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: that the Hebrew word "YaH" is very Majestic !   Heb.#3050 !   [sly] 
  111. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: that the Hebrew word "hovah" is an evil word !       Heb.#1942,43
  112. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: that our Father's Name is protection.      John 17:11b; Pro.18:10 !
  113. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: that Bible saints never even uttered - "jew" or "judah" ! Gen.29:35
  114. Disobedient Religious Authorities squelch: that "Mother Mary" never even heard that idiom: -"jesus" ! Lu.1:31
  115. Disobedient Religious Authorities preach Rom.16:17 then defy  Ex.3:15c  with a "undefined, hybrid, mongrel" ! 
  116. Disobedient Religious Authorities like Martin Luther (the midwife for Rev.17:5 Sundaykeepers) diminished "YaH".
  117. Disobedient Religious Authorities in Rome, on 29JUN08, forbade the mention of His Holy Name in prayers !
  118. Disobedient Religious Authorities seem contented that they have "slammed & locked the door" to His Name !
  119. Disobedient Religious Authorities & GOD & Sunday belong together] vs [Torah-students/YaHUaH/Sabbath].
  120. Disobedient Religious Authorities manipulated crusades, inquisitions, holocaust & you too, by a hybrid name ! 
  121. Disobedient Religious Authorities deprived you of the only Name on earth that means "The Self-Existent One" !
  122. Disobedient Religious Authorities like Saul (who lost his Royalty, legacy, posterity & his head), ignore YaHUaH.
  123. Disobedient Religious Authorities like Saul, go blind to the horror of error:  YaHUaH said don't even mourn !
  124. Disobedient Religious Authorities are beholden to frowny petty peers more than thousands who need His Name.
  125. Disobedient Religious Authorities can see both YaHUaH & YaHUDIM (Heb.#3068 & 3061) in verse: Zec.8:23. 
  126. Disobedient Religious Authorities disregard the Hebrew Torah in Synagogues that verify the spellings we teach !
  127. Disobedient Religious Authorities sell "copies" of orig. 1611 KJV O.T. cover page but they first delete His Name !
  128. Disobedient Religious Authorities aside, go see for yourself if KJV matches a Synagogue Torah, at His Name.
  129. Disobedient Religious Authorities pretend Deu.7:9 & Ps.119 & 1Kgs.8:43 is not enough reasons to declare YaH ! 
  130. Disobedient Religious Authorities say some god keeps covenant 1000 generations but won't name Him. De.7:9 
  131. Disobedient Religious Authorities won't care that Elohim (like us) loves to hear His Name called affectionately.
  132. Disobedient Religious Authorities compile a Chumash of vast info but always substitute HaShem for YaHUaH !
  133. Disobedient Religious Authorities won't defend His Name. Don't expect them to defend yours or mine !  1Jn.3:16
  134. Disobedient Religious Authorities who diminish His Name, scorn warning scriptures !     Lev. 24:16; Mal.2:2,3
  135. Disobedient Religious Authorities tho very talented, will be dishonored for diminishing His Name. 1Sam.15:22b 
  136. Disobedient Religious Authorities under Hitler needed help, yet disobeyed 2Chr.7:14 which required YaH's Name.
  137. Disobedient Religious Authorities whine against "Political Correctness" yet by His Name are worse offenders !
  138. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  the discord they sow by not translating "devil" & "LORD".
  139. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  to continue in apostles' doctrine, i.e. His Name. Ac.2:42F
  140. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  a simple verse & simple threat:  Ps.118:26 ;  Matt.23:29 
  141. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  YaHUaH's simple reason to impose His Name. Is.52:6 !
  142. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  that YaH's Power is different from His Name ! Ex.9:16
  143. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Is.56:11; "Fed not My flock" about My Name !  Ez.34:8
  144. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": it is a lie to advertise as "Full Gospel" & omit His Name ! 
  145. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": diminishing His Name can begin apostasy. Rom.1:18++
  146. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Apostles perpetuated His Name !  Jn.17:6 ; Matt.28:19,20  
  147. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": dedicated Temples declare His Name worldwide ! 1KI.8:43
  148. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Is.26:4 (Heb. YH - YHWH ) wants us to know about YaH !
  149. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": comparing substitutes : "Jehovah" is worse than "LORD". 
  150. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": "LORD" is tainted by Baal;   "hovah" means wickedness !  
  151. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": to use & teach "GOD" to replace "YaHUaH" is Rev.22:11a.
  152. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": KJV "center" CENTERS on His Name at Ps.103:1 or 118:8  
  153. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": True Bonding = New Comman. \\ His Blood + His Name.
  154. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": defiling His Name  COULD  affect salvation.   Rev.21:27 
  155. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": may be beaten for misleading illiterates !    Lu.12:47,48
  156. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": may be beaten, who know "YaH", -but teach "Jehovah". 
  157. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": command to make war against fake Names!  Deu.12:1,3  
  158. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": a good name is precious,-especially YaHUaH's Pro.22:1
  159. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": He calls His sheep by name, and they know His. Jn.10:3 
  160. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": He even honors trillions of stars by their names ! Ps.147:4
  161. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": enough to explain the Hebrew of His Son's Name. Pr.30:4
  162. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": The Rescuer's simple preference expressed in John 8:29.
  163. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": using His Name (& definition) endears us to each other !
  164. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": "faith worketh by love"; ex.: the call to love His Name !
  165. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": who fool with the simplest plan of salvation.  Rom.10:13 
  166. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Ac.4:12; 2:21; Jn.3:18; Rom.10:13 : Dangers of Name !
  167. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": promote their FALSE Sabbath more than His TRUE Name.
  168. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": preaching is risk-free compared to proclaiming His Name. 
  169. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": fishermen wrote 8 "books" in Heb. (not Gr.), using YaH !
  170. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": neither the word Power, nor Name, equal the word YaH ! 
  171. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Satan steals influence by purging YaH's Name. Is.14:13 
  172. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": unlike Adam, they crave to Name The Creator Himself !
  173. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Neither Moses nor Gabriel would call "joshua", Yeshua !
  174. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Yeshua ≠ Num.13:16 & Deu.3:21 & Ac.7:45 & 7:59 !
  175. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Yeshua ( w/o  YaH ) is no substitute for YaHUShuA ! 
  176. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Yeshua opposes seven N.T. verses that depend on YaH !
  177. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": joshua = jesus  ≠ YaHUShuA (per Moses & Gabriel !) 
  178. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": joshua / jesus , identical spellings: Gr. & Aram. & Heb. !
  179. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Rescuer's example to ignore substitute name: Belteshazzar.
  180. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": Belteshazzar ≠  Daniel  ;  jesus ≠ YaHUShuA  Dan. 1:7 
  181. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": John's ex. to ignore substitute Zaphenath-panea.  Jn.4:5
  182. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": or obey the emphasis on YaHUaH:  Ex.9:16 & Rom.9:17 !
  183. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": why Heb.11:32 ignored the name Jerub-Baal !  Jud.7:1
  184. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": their guilt.  Jer.23:27 ; Ez. 44:23 ; Matt. 5:18 ; Lu.1:17
  185. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand": real latent danger from YaHUaH by Jealousy !   Ex.34:14 
  186. Disobedient Religious Authorities "cannot understand"  that YaH is against them who steal His Name.  Jer.23:30
  187. Disobedient Religious Authorities "can understand": repeating YaHUShuA's Name might detract from themselves.
  188. Disobedient Religious Authorities lure you with Love&Grace, then advertise their own name more than YaHUaH's.
  189. Disobedient Religious Authorities prefer "baal" of the Sabbath more than "Adonai" of the Sabbath.   Jer.23:27b 
  190. Disobedient Religious Authorities devolve The Creator's name to match that used in Neh.8:17, instead of YaH ! 
  191. Disobedient Religious Authorities despise the 4th Commandment less than 1st (which asserts YaHUaH) ! Ex.20:2
  192. Disobedient Religious Authorities obscure:  YaH's seal on us is His name !!!!   Rev.3:12; 7:2,3; 9:4; 14:1; 22:4 
  193. Disobedient Religious Authorities snorted,"You'll never get anybody saved with a Name like that !"  Acts 1:17
  194. Disobedient Religious Authorities pervert the 1st. Comm.("weightiest matter of the Law"); it starts with YaHUaH !
  195. Disobedient Religious Authorities deprive humble sheep of His Name & Torah then scold them for instability ! 
  196. Disobedient Religious Authorities describe "LORD", "lord", "Lord" harshly as if sheep were the ones neglecting it. 
  197. Disobedient Religious Authorities led sheep astray from His Name: Jer.50:6 ; and forfeit authority:  Matt.5:19.
  198. Disobedient Religious Authorities claim to be the "very elect" while they diminish "Yah".   Foretold: Matt.24:4,24
  199. Disobedient Religious Authorities Preachers call YaHUaH "LORD" and stubbornly dare this danger: Deu.18:20b !
  200. Disobedient Religious Authorities misquote His Holy O.T. Name at 100± places in the N.T.  Mk.12:29; Jn.12:28 
  201. Disobedient Religious Authorities roar, "Widow's Mite is acceptable worship", (but not YaH's Sabbath or Name).
  202. Disobedient Religious Authorities did carefully preserve complicated Bible names of wicked men, but not YaH ! 
  203. Disobedient Religious Authorities get high degrees (financed by others) then withhold YaH's Name. Matt.23:15
  204. Disobedient Religious Authorities & their pitiable pupils (by the millions) don't use the Name of their own G-d. 
  205. Disobedient Religious Authorities subvert "the whole counsel of God" (Ac.20:27), by diminishing His Name. 
  206. Disobedient Religious Authorities let genealogies labor hard to maintain lineage, yet prefer a "mongrel" name. 
  207. Disobedient Religious Authorities know the "Lord's Prayer" begins about His Name, but don't show they care ! 
  208. Disobedient Religious Authorities impose controls instead of encouraging the Gifts of the Spirit and His Name !
  209. Disobedient Religious Authorities are shamed ! Dozens & dozens of verses spell the acceptable contraction, "Yah".
  210. Disobedient Religious Authorities give us conflicting translations of Ba'alzebub:   Lord of Flies    Lord of Dung ! 
  211. Disobedient Religious Authorities give us conflicting (or falsified) translations of YaH/Heb.#3050 in Ps.68:4,18 !
  212. Disobedient Religious Authorities roar Jn. 3:16 !  and then hide v.18, where The Rescuer requires His Name !
  213. Disobedient Religious Authorities roar Rom.10:9,10 !  and then hide v.13, where the Spirit requires His Name !
  214. Disobedient Religious Authorities quote "every word" in Matt.4:4/Deu.8:3  then violate it by omitting YaHUaH.
  215. Disobedient Religious Authorities are uneasy with His Name in countless Sunday sermons.     Rev. 17:5 ; 18:4 
  216. Disobedient Religious Authorities lately begin to sneak-in YaH's Name, -without admitting to any personal guilt ! 
  217. Disobedient Religious Authorities substitute day-of-worship in place of day-of-rest, -- and LORD for YaHUaH.
  218. Disobedient Religious Authorities may never preach against the blasphemy or distortion of His Name !   Ex.20:7
  219. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: Billions who are not Born Again must learn His Name.  Acts 4:12
  220. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: The few who are Born Again will desire&know His Name. Is.52:6a
  221. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: BOTH His Sabbath and His Name are defended by Isaiah 56:6 !
  222. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: BOTH His Sabbath and His Name are defended by Death Penalty ! 
  223. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: BOTH His Sabbath and His Name are defended by Daniel 7:25 !
  224. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: BOTH His Sabbath and His Name are defended by Matthew 5:17 !
  225. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't clarify: BOTH His Sabbath and His Name are Holy, -and forever !   Is.2:3 
  226. Disobedient Religious Authorities deny their own likeness to Belshazzar who mis-used Holy Temple cups ! Dan.5:2
  227. Disobedient Religious Authorities donate "Ten Comm." monuments with a missing Comm. & forged Heb. Name !
  228. Disobedient Religious Authorities worldwide, don't educate you about the signboard by Pontius Pilate, so I will.
  229. Disobedient Religious Authorities emphasize tithing but diminish "YaH", contrary to Ex.20:2,7 !    Matt.23:23,13
  230. Disobedient Religious Authorities prefer dangerous Bibles.   Nazarene Israelites prefer Hebrew roots Scriptures.
  231. Disobedient Religious Authorities diminish: MY People, MY Land, MY Sabbath, MY "Feasts", My Holy Name !!
  232. Disobedient Religious Authorities effectively hide amazing 1Kgs.19:11 that tries to give us His Name five times !! 
  233. Disobedient Religious Authorities for centuries, have diminished His Name more than Madalyn Murray O'Hair.  
  234. Disobedient Religious Authorities deserve to face wicked spirits by depending on Scriptures they altered ! Lu.21:36 
  235. Disobedient Religious Authorities repeated Hebrew letters for Bel & Baal, and should have for "YHWH". Dan.5:25
  236. Disobedient Religious Authorities who do employ "damnable heresies", -deserve threats !  Titus 3:10 ; 2Thess.1:8 
  237. Disobedient Religious Authorities who hold YaH's Truth in unrighteousness, deserve wrath ! Rom.1:18; Rev.22:11
  238. Disobedient Religious Authorities effectively hide amazing 1Kgs.19:11 that tries to give us His Name five times ! !
  239. Disobedient Religious Authorities should expect stern correction about His Name. Pro.30:6; Lu.12:47; Rom.11:22 
  240. Disobedient Religious Authorities historically, do slander us preachers who assert a higher truth, like His Name !
  241. Disobedient Religious Authorities exemplify Authority, but will not exemplify Repentance, even for Name-abuse ! 
  242. Disobedient Religious Authorities don't proclaim YaHUaH !      Devils & reprobates cannot repent !      Matt.11:29
  243. Disobedient Religious Authorities (being unrepentant) risk forfeiture to confiscators. 1Sam.15:23,28 ; Ez. 9:1,6 !!
  244. Disobedient Religious Authorities (like goons for Constantine) they kill Yah's Sabbaths & "Feast days" & Name !!!
  245. Disobedient Religious Authorities who continue to diminish "My Holy Name", disobey  the 1st & 3rd & 9th Comm.
  246. Disobedient Religious Authorities are guilty (by Ex.20:7), and forewarned of "least in the Kingdom" !   Matt.5:19a 
  247. Disobedient Religious Authorities (who are shepherds that cannot understand)-are dogs ! It is written. Is.56:11
  248. Disobedient Religious Authorities can be snakes, vomit, roadkill, dogs ! etc.  Is.56:11 ; Philip.3:2a ; Matt.23:33
  249. Dear "Adam & Eve",                                                                                xxx
  250. First, -humbly discern who are dogs, THEN you obey:  >> "Give not "My Holy Name" to dogs" >> Matt.7:6a 

 The "Fullness of the Godhead" said silly men build their houses on sand.  To prefer a substitute for "YaHUaH", is sand.
 Falsified Names will burn: "wood, hay & stubble" !    Unrepentant people: disposed-of like "chaff in the wind" !  Ps.1:4
 Rods of Iron:  Noah's Ark; Ez.9:4,5,6; Ez.14:13,14,18; Tit.3:10;  Mark 4:10,11,12 !    YHWH  says so: Prov.1:28,29

The beggars in Matt.7:22 will include high church leaders who held the truth in unrighteousness.  Rom.1:18 !!!!

Dogs can be wonderful as "man's best friend".       But,  -some things they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18
Dogs can be wonderful as "man's best friend".       But,  -some things they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18
Wolves = Ravenous; Dogs = Loveable, --but truth, -like Yah & seven they just cannot understand.  Is.44:18

Don't get all mixed up.  We did not tell Isaiah to write "dogs" in Is.56:11 !  It was YaHUaH, Elohim Almighty ! 
Don't get all mixed up.  Trust me ! we did not tell  the "Fullness of the Godhead"!  to say "dogs" !   Matt.7:6a !
Don't get all mixed up.  Most all kinds of dogs are fun, and we can play.   Some are dangerous, or vicious.
Don't get all mixed up.  The Gospel itself is precious , even if the preacher is sly !  Philippians 1:15,16,17,18 
Don't get all mixed up.  Do remember YaHUaH's quote about "dogs", but not more than His Name, please !

Some "dogs" virtually blame us for that dreadful word "dogs" in Is. 56:11 [because "dogs" will be "dogs"]. 
Hirelings can preserve their prominence by "parroting" just any Name their local people prefer !  Rev.2:16 
It"s "social suicide" on-the-job to talk Scripture, and "social suicide" at church to talk of YaHUShuA !  Jn.15:21

John the Baptist was much more tough & bold & severe than me.  He might say,
"The Rescuer will separate the sheep from the goats (Matt.25:33) , but YOU are expected to
separate the sheep from the "dogs"".  (Matt.7:6a)     Practice, practice, -someday you will judge Angels !   

Go ahead !  "Test" the spirit of a "dog".  1Jn.4:1   See what you get.  Matt.7:20 !  Did they want His Name ?
Such "dogs" who become wise (Micah 6:9) (including me) do repent, and then give His Name , selectively !
NOTE:  The Rescuer's Truth, like Matt.7:6a, can require very great courage to obey and repeat, selectively.

Matt. 7:6a&b are both still true & dangerous, now, 2000 years later, and it is quite easy to prove. 
One minister sternly admonished us !!!  He said restoring "My  Holy  Name" will "cause divisions" ! Rev.22:11
"Cursed be  he that doeth the work of YaHUaH, deceitfully" !  Jer.48:10 (KJV) . . OK ?  2 Thess. 2:10, 11,12 
"Wolves in sheep's clothing are not sheep !".   So, -- The King is coming back with fire in His eyes. Rev.19:12 
Those who "do understand" & resist, are Disobedient Religious Authorities. Dan.12:10; Deu.29:29; Lu.12:47 
"Dogs" resist Ps.72:17a,b, and resist John 5:42,43a. Others are kept out of NewJerusalem. Rev22:15;Tit.1:13 
They diminish my Father's truth: "My Holy Name" and His Seal whose elements are in the Fourth Comm.  

At a public prayer meeting, an Ecumenical lead "dog" honored the prayer of a visitor who follows a DEMONIC  
Plan of Salvation.  Then someone else prayed in the name of Yah (Ps.68:4b KJV).    Promptly & forcefully &
contrarily the "dog" "hammered" "in Jesus's name" a dozen times, struggling against Yah's Name YaH !!  
Disobedient Religious Authorities deserve to be deposed by "unlearned fishermen", -and disposed-of.  Acts 4:13

(They also suspect in Lu.1:5,26 YaHUShUA's birth is October. but keep that from you !)    
FYI: Both conceptions & births (of John-Baptist & our Savior) virtually coincide with both solstices & Equinoxes ! 

Now it's your turn. >>  Rom.9:17  You will or you won't declare His Name like He wants.  Rom.9:17
You who won't  Proclaim His Name & Sabbath resemble  the 90%  who wouldn't return from Babylon !   
Rev.18:2, 4    Remember ! !  Rev.21:8 says you fearful deserve the Lake of Fire just like murderers !!! !!! !!!
Rev.18:2, 4    Remember ! !  Num. 14:29 ; 32:11,13 says you fearful deserve to "die off",  unwanted !!!
Do you really plan to wait on some Sunday Worshipping "dog" to lead you to this truth ?  Is.58:1 !  [Is.56:11]
Please don't get all mixed up.    Our prayers go with you.
Without obedience, Prayers are disgusting.  Jer.7:16; Jer.9:16; Jer.13:14; Prov.28:9 ! Prov.28:9 ! Ps.1:4

It's a battlefield, brother,
not a recreation room ! 
It's a fight and not a game ! ! 
Run if you want to,
- run if you will, . . . .
but Truth came here to stay.

YaHUaH's Battle Axe:  Jer.51:19,20
19)  . . . YaHUaH of hosts [armies] is His Name !  
20)  Thou  [ISRAEL]  art my battle axe and  weapons of war: . . .


One or two more private comments (please):
Peter warned us not to "wrest Scriptures" of Paul.
It is "wresting the Scriptures" of Paul to separate GRACE from TORAH. 
Righteous people have always cared about both.
Ex. Moms care about "little ones" immeasurably, but they still have to stay out of the street.
Permanent Principles of the Kingdom of Elohim never changed, only the Sacrifice & Priesthood.

Scripture teaches that 'we are perfected for ever';  another says "My words shall not pass away". 
Together, they can say, Born-Again people are instructed to love & proclaim "My Holy Name". 
But if you won't want Abba's Name,
after all His pleas & threats,
you're probably one heartbeat from hell-fire,
which in some way is everlasting & escape-proof. 
r u listening secret sin ?
Rev.20:14 ; Is.66:24* ; Mark 9:43-48*** ; Lu.16:26
WORM?  *craving  *craving  *craving  *craving
Being in "outer darkness" and forgotten forever, will hurt too.

NOTE: You don't have to thank us, but . . .
if TRUTH here helped you, -you know you should.

As "a Man of War", YaHUaH is "Terrible" !
As a "Father", YaHUaH is stern.
Life is short & dangerous- 
( tornadoes & hormones ) 
Truth like this is very rare. 
It is YaHUaH's Word "on fire !"
 It has more authority than any 
 strong man with Fame & Fortune.
It makes even 'Superman' look trivial.

Yet see how much Bully Pulpits avoid it.
 Jer.23:29;  Matt.3:11; Lu.12:51;  Heb.1:7.
  Some saints felt burned by all the "threats" here.
   We feel a bit apologetic to them and rush to explain. 
A Warning is supposed to sound serious and threatening.
 YaHUaH'S threats are esp. to willingly-ignorant churchpeople, 
  who diminish His Name : Deu.29:29 ; Rev.9:1 ; Rev.14:1 ; Rev.22:4. 
Scripture urges you who diminish YAHU to repent to avoid guilt and danger.
Israelite means "those who descended from Israel or form that covenant nation". 
Jews means YaHUDIM: "those who praise or declare YaHUaH" :  (Rev.2:13;3:8;22:4) 


F.Y.I. :
New Testament Imperatives
i.e. Brit Chadasha Imperatives

i.e.  John 1:12b ! 

Eventually, this will list Scriptures now being compiled from the "New Testament"(Brit HaDasha).
His Name has been diminished by N.T. users.  Our list is working to correct that.  2Tim.3:16
Scripture teaches that His Name can be a vital component of Salvation:  Jn. 1:12b ; 3:18 !!
"These signs shall follow them that believe . . . . . . . ." - Mark 16:17,18    REJOICE !!!
  Faith worketh by love (Gal.5:6) and love is supplemented by His Name (John 17:26).
Do you have it ?
"The JOY of YaHUaH is your strength" Ez.24:25d
(but leaders B.C.  &   A.D. deprived you).
  Shame be on Authorities who diminish His Holy Name,
yet who repeatedly assert their own name.   Jn.3:30

For Comments, Questions and e-book copies  >>>>   EMAIL:  PREACHER@MyHolyName.com 
NOTE: This website is also aka:  www.MyHolyName.com

For Comments, Questions and e-book copies  >>>>  
EMAIL:  PREACHER@MyHolyName.com 
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